TypeScript Course

Course Description
Unlock the full potential of JavaScript development with our comprehensive TypeScript course. TypeScript has emerged as the go-to language for building large-scale, maintainable web applications, offering developers the benefits of static typing, enhanced tooling, and advanced features while maintaining compatibility with JavaScript. Whether you’re new to TypeScript or looking to sharpen your skills, this course is designed to equip you with the knowledge and expertise needed to excel in TypeScript development. Through a combination of theory and hands-on exercises, this course will guide you through the journey of mastering TypeScript from the ground up.
Audience Profile
This course is built for developers looking to learn or deepen their understanding of TypeScript.
About this Course
Course Outline
Module 1: Introduction to TypeScript
o What is TypeScript
o Type Checking
o Compiling TypeScript
● Module 2: Configuration, Rules & Linting
o Configuration + tsconfig file
o Rules & Linting
o ESlint & TSLint
● Module 3: Basic Types
o Types
o Intersections
o Unions
o Inference
● Module 4: Typing Functions
o Optional Parameters
o Rest Parameters
o this Parameters
● Module 5: Classes
o Classes
o Constructor
o Inheritance
o Statics
o Modifiers
o Fat Arrow Functions
● Module 6: Interfaces & Creating New Types
o Interfaces
o Type Assertion
o Keyof
o Typeof
● Module 7: Generics
o Basic Generics
o Generic Classes
o Recursive Generic Classes
● Module 8: Utility Types
o Partial
o Required
o Readonly
o Record
o Pick
o Omit
o Exclude
o NonNullable
o ReturnType
2 Days
Software Developer