Temporal Course

Course Description
In this two-day course, you will learn about Temporal’s programming model and how it enables you to build more reliable applications in less time. You will learn the building blocks of a Temporal application and how to use them to describe and build business processes. You will then go beyond the basics of Temporal to learn the details of how Temporal works and how to use it effectively to build production-ready applications. Throughout this training, there will be hands-on exercises to give you first-hand experience with building, debugging, and understanding Temporal applications.
Audience Profile
This course is designed for developers with experience writing backend applications that rely on external APIs.
About this Course
Course Outline
Module 1: Introduction to Temporal
o What is Temporal?
o Developing a Workflow
o Executing a Workflow
o Viewing Workflow Execution History
o Modifying an Existing Workflow
o Developing an Activity
o Handling Activity Failure
o Understanding Workflow Execution
● Module 2: Exploring Durable Execution with Temporal
o Understanding Key Concepts in Temporal
o Improving Your Temporal Application Code
o Understanding Event History
o Debugging Workflow Execution
o Deploying Your Application to Production
o Understanding Workflow Determinism
2 Days
- Familiarity with either TypeScript, Go, or Java
- Previous experience with one of these languages is helpful, but not strictly required
Software Developer